20 Years of
Sustainability Progress

It’s been 20 years since the United Nations Millennium Declaration.
The world continues to strive to realize a sustainable society.
The key milestones of Fast Retailing(FR)’s sustainability activities,
from the establishment of the Social Contribution Office to the present day,
are shown in the next pages alongside world events.

Supervision: the editorial team of Alterna, Inc

  • Fast Retailing Sustainability Timeline
  • World Timeline

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
Guidelines first published

UN Global Compact established

UN Millennium Declaration adopted


Social Contribution Office established

Employment of people
with disabilities initiated

Donation boxes installed at all UNIQLO stores
to support Setouchi Olive Foundation

Clothing donated to refugees in Afghanistan

Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs) formulated

Employment of people with disabilities initiated

Became an official partner of
Special Olympics Nippon

World Summit on Sustainable
Development held


Code of Conduct (CoC) for
Production Partners established

Workplace monitoring
at partner factories commenced

CoC for employees established

Wangari Maathai received
the Nobel Peace Prize


CSR Department established

First CSR Committee meeting held

Kyoto Protocol enforced


All-Product Recycling
Initiative commenced

First CSR Report published

Kofi Annan’s Principles for
Responsible Investment (PRI) launched


First visited refugee camps
in Thailand and Nepal

Environmental policy established

First visited refugee camps in Thailand and Nepal

Grameen UNIQLO inaugurated
in Bangladesh as a social business

UN Women established

Aichi Targets adopted at COP10
(the Conference of the Parties
to the Convention on Biological Diversity)


Entered into Global Partnership Agreement
with the United Nations
Refugee Agency (UNHCR)

Started the Great East Japan Earthquake
recovery support

Employment of refugees initiated

Professor Michael Porter proposed
“Creating Shared Value (CSV)”

Great East Japan Earthquake

Guiding Principles on Business
and Human Rights endorsed by the UN

Entered into Global Partnership Agreement with the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR)

UNIQLO Recovery Assistance Project

Children’s Rights and Business Principles
announced by UNICEF, et al.

UN Conference on Sustainable
Development held

UNIQLO Recovery Assistance Project launched

First Grameen UNIQLO store opened

Signed the Accord on Fire
and Building Safety in Bangladesh

Rana Plaza garment factory
building collapsed in Bangladesh

First Grameen UNIQLO store opened

Joined the Sustainable
Apparel Coalition (SAC)

Malala Yousafzai received
the Nobel Peace Prize


Joined the Fair Labor Association (FLA)

UN adopted the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs)

Paris Agreement adopted at COP 21
(the 21st session of the Conference
of the Parties to the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change)

Task Force on Climate-Related Financial
Disclosures (TCFD) established


Sustainability Department established

Jeans Innovation Center (JIC) established

GRI Sustainability
Reporting Standards announced


Disclosed FR core sewing factory list

Human Rights Policy established

Disclosed a FR core sewing factory list

Joined the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI)

First selected as a constituent stock
of the FTSE4Good Index Series

JIC developed water consumption
reduction technology for jeans

Signed the UN Global Compact

Disclosed a list of
UNIQLO core fabric mills


Entered into a global partnership
agreement with UN Women

Diversity and Inclusion team established

Announced the policy to reduce
single-use plastics

Entered into a partnership with
the International Labour Organization (ILO)

Launched the DRY-EX Polo Shirt made
with recycled polyester

Large-scale bushfires scorched
parts of Australia

Greta Thunberg spoke
at the UN Climate Action Summit

European Commission announced
the European Green Deal

COVID-19 first emerged


Signed the Fashion Industry Charter
for Climate Action

Began COVID-19 support
efforts worldwide

RE.UNIQLO recycling program launched

Recycled Down Jackets launched

First included in the Dow Jones
Sustainability Indices (DJSI) World Index

Recognized as a water security
“A List” company by CDP