Keith Haring Subway Drawings

Exploring Keith Haring's origins through subway drawings.

Keith Haring Subway Drawings

New York in the 1980s. Keith Haring's art suddenly appeared on an unused billboard in a subway station, captivating people. From the voices of a photographer, Ali Macopoulos who knew those days and people living in New York today, this shows a look into the origins of street art pioneer Keith Haring.

Keith Haring Subway Drawings
Keith Haring Subway Drawings
Keith Haring Subway Drawings
Keith Haring Subway Drawings


Keith Haring|A key figure in New York’s East Village scene in the late 1970s and 80s, American artist Keith Haring’s artwork populated not only art galleries, but also the city’s subways, streets, and sidewalks. His work often combined an iconographic vocabulary, including hearts, flying saucers, winged figures, and a crawling “radiant baby,” with abstract marks and patterning.

©Keith Haring Foundation. Licensed by Artestar, New York.
Photo by Tseng Kwong Chi ©Muna Tseng Dance Projects, Inc. Art by Keith Haring

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