Animal Crossing: New Horizons Since its launch in March 2020, this life simulation game has inspired children and adults to build bridges, plant flowers, and make friends throughout the game world day and night. We’ve collaborated with the game to create a collection that includes matching parent-child T-shirts as well as digital replicas that players can wear in the game.
A private island for you and all your friends
When everyone was staying indoors in 2020, one medium played an important role in keeping people connected: online gaming. Perhaps no game broke through more than Animal Crossing: New Horizons, which enchanted people of all ages. Players are given their very own deserted island on which to enjoy the slow life: crafting DIY furniture, customizing outfits, and getting to know the game world’s residents. Even corporations got involved, creating their own islands and giving out their custom outfits for free to other players. With UNIQLO getting in on the act in April, you and your friends can now travel around the game world wearing matching digital UTs!
Matching parent-child tees
"Family" is a key concept for the collection. It's the collection that includes matching parent-child T-shirts.
A women’s printed T-shirt featuring their father, Tom Nook.
A baby tee embroidered with brothers Timmy and Tommy.
A kids’ T-shirt illustrated with the brothers.
You’ll need to catch a flight on DAL—Dodo Airlines—to visit your friends’ islands. The airline’s logo is center stage on these brand T-shirts.
Men’s and women's T-shirts depicting the game’s bug collecting mini-game.
Visit UNIQLO Island by entering its dodo code. You’ll get to check out 22 digital replicas of T-shirts in the current UT collection, which you can save and place in your in-game wardrobe.
* For dodo and custom design codes, visit below:
* You will need a Nintendo Switch Online membership to visit UNIQLO Island.
* UNIQLO Island as well as the offered custom designs may be removed without warning.
On UNIQLO Island, you’ll find an outdoor market laid out just like one of our stores, flower beds that spell out “UT” and “UNIQLO,” houses decorated with ticker displays like those on the UT floor of our Harajuku Store, and other touches that bring the world of UNIQLO to life.
The collection includes more than T-shirts. There are also three types of two-way towels: one featuring April and other game residents, one featuring the DAL logo, and one featuring Gulliver, a game character, washed up on the beach.
There are also pocketable tote bags, one of which comes in light blue and green, with the Nook Inc. logo on the front and turnips on the back above the words, “Use them in a planned way.”
Animal Crossing: New Horizons | Released by Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch™ in March 2020, the game begins with the player buying a getaway package from Nook Inc. that takes them to a deserted island. Here, players are free to do as they please, including spending time with the game’s many colorful anthropomorphic residents.
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